Verse of the Day

Friday, January 12, 2007

Compelled to Receive a Blessing

Today we were at the Mayo Clinic Hospital for my wife's "routine" ERCP. While sitting the waiting room as she was being prepped, I spotted an elderly couple donning sweatshirts bearing the name of another United Methodist Church in the area and emblazoned with the UMC logo; they were obviously there in support of another patient and her spouse. I was intrigued.

After S was prepped for her procedure, I was allowed to go back and visit her before she was wheeled off. When I returned to the waiting room, the other couple was there, too. Although I felt no need for any spiritual healing, I did feel a compulsion that I needed to be witnessed to, and that God had crossed our paths today for a purpose. So I walked over and introduced myself.

Turned out that H and W belonged the Methodist church printed on their shirts (no surprise) and that H was the visitation pastor of that church. We had a delightful conversion for what was probably over an hour. Actually W had done most of the talking for both of them, but her pastor husband did share a synopsis of his ministerial resume. We found that we had mutual acquaintances and shared experiences. They have facilitated several of the Disciple Bible studies, which is interesting since I will be starting the Disciple I study next week.

The time came when the church member they were staying with was to go. We had a delightful time together. We said our good-byes and hugged each other. If for nothing else, I needed the fellowship. I was grateful for our time of sharing. What a blessing!

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