Verse of the Day

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Report

Thursday Report
The idea for this title comes from a former coworker of mine who has quite a wit about her, and whom today I was reminded of one of the things she would do.

Every Monday we used to receive an email sent by my employer about things that were going on in our center and in the company in general. It was called the Monday Report. Then the next day, our coworker W would send out an email to our team which was essentially an amusing commentary about the Monday Report, as well as other amusing anecdotes. It was called the Tuesday Report. The Tuesday Report was not so imformative; but it was definitely worth looking at each week.

We no longer get the Monday Report. And since W has left the company, we haven't been getting our Tuesday Report either. But since I was reminded today of the Tuesday Report, I have been inspired to write a blog article each week that had some not-so-in-depth commentary just for fun. And I work half-days on Thursday. Hence the Thursday Report.

Don't worry, I will continue to comment on other topics as I am inspired to do so.

She's Baaaaack...
Over the past weekend, one of our grown children has moved back in with us. We love her dearly, though, so it's okay. Besides, it gives us an excuse to clean the garage again (always a work in progress). Our little dog Princess is thrilled to have another people in the house as well. Granted S & I have had to make some minor adjustments, but it's nice to have E home with us for the time being (whatever that will be).

Speaking of Princess
We've had some other adjustments in our household since the passing of our last cat, Snoopy. We now have a doggy door. Woohoo! I can't tell you how much that makes us happy - no more getting up to let the dog out, let the dog in, let the dog out, let the dog in, etc., etc. Princess can go potty any time, go sun herself when she feels like it, come back in and sleep whenever. It's great. Princess also no longer has a problem with jumping onto the bed at night knowing she won't accidentally land on the cat (always a plus).

How 'Bout Those Suns!
The NBA's second season - the playoffs - have now started. Our Phoenix Suns are now leading the Lakers 2-0 in the first playoff series. The first game was a bit shaky, but the Suns won in a fashion typical of their regular season. In the second game, though, the Suns absolutely demolished the Lakers. In fact, Charles Barkley, who is frequently critical of the Suns, was pretty quiet Tuesday night.

Sir Charles has been somewhat right about the Suns. After great seasons the previous two years, the Suns could not get it done. This year, many - including myself - have a sense that the Suns may win that elusive NBA Championship. We shall see.

The D-Backs: A Different Story
The Arizona Diamondbacks have certainly had their struggles this past week. Not even the ace from yesteryear, Randy Johnson, could eke out a win in his first start of the season. It's just a matter of slow offense. But they did manage to win it last night with a 2-run homer in the bottom of the 9th with two out. Wow.

Spring Weather Ending?
I sure hope not. Although we did barely touch 100 degrees last March, we've had quite a nice spring. We've actually had a bit of rain, too. Enough to delay the fire season by - oh - ten days. But this weekend is the time we may actually hit 100 for the first time this year. Let the hot times roll.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Blacksburg: Reflections On A Tragedy

Is it my imagination, or does it seem like the flag has been flying at half-mast a bit too much lately? Sure, it's to be expected now and then - like when former president Ford died. But not when it's a senseless tragedy like what happened at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia on Monday.

Of course there are always the questions as to why. But when it comes down to it, if I were alone in a room with Cho, I don't think I would ask why - his words would be meaningless. There is no justification whatsoever for this wasteful and hideous act of evil. Perhaps I would share the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ - at least give it a try. But it's too late now anyway. Satan has claimed another soul and Cho was probably honored that evening by "having dinner with Hitler" as I like to put it.

I would also call NBC on the carpet for even considering to air this insane man's manifesto. Again, it is pointless and provides no added value to our society whatsoever. The materials sent to NBC should have just been turned over to the FBI - period. Because of NBC's irresponsible handling of these materials, others may now be emboldened to follow Cho's footsteps and perhaps - God forbid - try to top him. Although all the news outlets are showing it, I think NBC should be singled out for boycott of all their programming and sponsors, at least until those who decided to air Cho's rantings are fired. After all, Don Imus fired for less (and I'm not trying to minimize the effect of his inappropriate comments or discount the response to those comments).

So who's all to blame? Do we blame the psychologists who did little or nothing to treat Cho's mental illness? Do we blame our medical system which no longer institutionalizes the criminally insane? Do we blame the lax gun control laws that allow people like this to purchase weapons? Or do we blame strict gun control laws that disallow security personnel to carry the very weapons that could have dropped this animal before he snuffed out 32 lives? Was Cho's upbringing not strict enough? Or too strict? Do we blame those who did not reach out to Cho? Or do we blame the disease that made him so unapproachable to those who tried to reach out?

As I watch this and other world events unfolding before me, I submit to you the root cause of the world's ills. This is not a God-fearing world. We live in a generation that goes about its business as if there is no God with whom to be accountable. As if there is no God to judge them. As if there is no God at all.

It is better to depend on the LORD than to trust mortals. - Psalms 118:8

If God is so good and loves us so much, how can He let this sort of thing happen? That's a valid question, for which I have a valid - if also simplistic - answer. We are all God's children, and God created each and every one of us with a free will. Instead of robots that obey His every beck and call, we are to make our own choice to love God. And it's that free choice that makes our love of God truly genuine.

Yet there are others that choose not to love God. They don't respect God's creation, and they don't respect God's children. They don't care who gets hurt. They just go on and live their lives as if God doesn't exist.

What we saw Monday was a clash of values. And 32 people innocent of the charges leveled by an insane animal were killed in the crossfire.

It is time to mourn again. I leave you with this link to the Virginia Tech homepage which has a fitting tribute to their fallen students and faculty.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Don Imus Scandal: Can We All Just Move Ahead?

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, "Lord, how often do I have to forgive a believer who wrongs me? Seven times?" Jesus answered him, "I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy times seven." Matthew 18:21-22

Let's face it. When Don Imus made his derogatory remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team last week, he was an idiot. His comments were unacceptable. Period. And I think it was right for his radio show to be suspended. And I think it was perfecly alright for Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson to call Imus out.

I've never heard Don Imus' show. In fact, I never even heard of Don Imus until this whole thing came out. I don't know anything of his character or his beliefs. I have heard a recording of the comments he made on the infamous broadcast, and I agree they were distasteful as they were polorizing.

I also know that Don Imus has apologized profusely for his comments and has thrown himself at the mercy of the public, those he directly offended, and his staunchest critics. Don Imus has figuratively nailed himself to a cross for his offense. Which is more than anyone can say for former Arizona governor Evan Mecham, a horse's ass who made similar racial slurs on a daily basis without apology.

And now Imus has been fired. That is certainly the perogative of his employers; the loss of listeners and sponsors is probably enough to justify Imus' termination.

But is that enough to make the likes of Sharpton and Jackson happy?

To these Christian leaders, I would ask now that they step up to their faith. Imus has apologized enough already. Are they willing to forgive? And if you forgive seventy times seven, have you really forgiven the first 489 times?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A "Monumental" Vacation

S and I returned yesterday after spending a week's vacation in the Baltimore/ Washington area. The weather was near-perfect, and the cherry trees were beginning to bloom. Here's a brief synopsis:

Saturday (March 24): travel day
  • arrived at BWI airport
  • settled in at our "home base" at (my wife's) Aunt L's house in Laurel MD

  • Sunday: church and family

    Monday: Washington DC [photos]

  • Washington Monument
  • World War II Memorial
  • Korean War Memorial
  • Lincoln Memorial
  • Vietnam Memorial
  • Jefferson Memorial
    • We also saw the new Airbus 380 super-jumbojet landing at Reagan National Airport.

      Tuesday: Washington DC/Arlington VA [photos]

    • Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial
    • Arlington Cemetery
      • The cherry trees around the Kennedy gravesites were in full bloom.

        Wednesday: Gettysburg PA [photos]

      • Gettysburg National Military Park
      • Boyd's Bear Country
        • We had a special treat; instead of taking the tour bus, we had a guide give us a personal tour as he drove our van around the battlefield. His knowledge was vast, and when I mentioned the defense of the Union left flank by the 20th Maine Regiment on Little Round Top, he took us to very spot where that took place.

          Thursday: Washington DC/Arlington VA [photos]

        • Iwo Jima Memorial
        • U.S. Capitol
        • National Air and Space Museum
        • Lafayette Park
        • White House
          • The cherry trees around the White House, the Capitol, and in Lafayette Park were in full bloom.

            We spent the evening at Toby's Dinner Theater in Columbia MD where we took in a well-done production of George M, a musical based the the life of George M. Cohan.

            Friday: Baltimore MD [photos]

          • Ft. McHenry
          • National Aquarium
            • I got to help raise the flag at Ft. McHenry!

              Saturday: travel day - return home.