Open Letter to David Stern
NBA Commissioner David Stern, you defended your decision to suspend Phoenix Suns players Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw on ESPN Radio's Dan Patrick Show yesterday.
In your opening comments, you said, "One of the things we did was put in a rule that said nobody leaves the bench, so if the players were not playing, it means they violated the rule. It means they either didn't know about it . . . or they knew about it and they forgot about it or one of the six assistant coaches that were there didn't grab them fast enough. So these players took themselves out."
Okay, so we're playing by the rules as far as the Suns players go. I can accept that on the basis of the rules alone. So what about Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen? They also left the bench during a rather physical play (which involved only INCIDENTAL contact) during the second quarter. Here's the video in case you missed it. Doesn't the rule apply to Duncan and Bowen?
You were asked if this rule was subject to interpretation. You said, "No."
Again I ask, doesn't the rule apply to Duncan and Bowen? According to your interview, it does. Therefore DUNCAN AND BOWEN MUST SERVE A MINIMUM ONE-GAME SUSPENSION. What part of that do you not understand?
You questioned Stoudemire's and Diaw's intent for leaving the bench. Did you really? Or did you just come to your own conclusion without asking them? For that matter, did you question Duncan as to why he left the bench (I know why Bowen left - more on that later)? What the hell did you assume his intentions were?
Here's one of your better quotes: "It's being decided because two Phoenix Suns who knew about the rule forgot about it, couldn't control themselves and didn't have coaches that could control them. And don't you forget it."
'"And don't you forget it." ???' What was that for? How old are you, Mr. Stern?
You sit there and harp about the Suns assistant coaches not being able to control their players. So where the hell were the Spurs assistants when Tim Duncan who wasn't playing but was ON THE COURT WITHIN THE THREE-POINT STRIPE DURING PLAY? Obviously not doing their job. The video (here it is again in case you still missed it) clearly shows BRUCE BOWEN pulling Duncan back to the bench where (in your words) he belonged. And don't YOU forget it!
You rant and rave about how Stoudemire and Diaw were twenty feet from the bench before being called back. But I guess it's okay if Tim Duncan goes onto the court during play, even if he's not playing. Granted, if he had wandered twenty feet away from the bench, he'd be in the paint and he'd be pretty obvious (guess you have to give credit to Duncan's smarts on that one). So did Duncan stay within some magical, yet invisible, line? Where's that in the rules?
Again, let me quote you: "Is it a red-letter rule? Absolutely." Given the outcome, I'd say you bent the rules for your Golden Boy, Tim Duncan.
I heard your radio interview with Dan Patrick and I've got to say that you came off as an arrogant SOB with a serious case of foot-in-mouth-disease (refer to your quotes above and below). A couple more of your choice quotes included: "You better stop that!" and "You don't understand anything!" While Mr. Patrick was simply asking you (in a professional manner) the questions that America wants to know, you came off as sarcastic, condescending, patronizing, defensive, offensive, and unprofessional (I come off that way in this letter because it seems the only way you know how to communicate).
My biggest pet peeve is people who don't follow the rules. You're so quick to quote book, chapter, and verse on the rules, yet you hesitate to impose them on the Spurs. What's really up with that?
While not necessarily the case, this has every appearance of foul play. The public isn't as stupid as you may think, and this looks like a fix. Like it or not, the NBA now has a serious image problem. Perhaps the only way it can be restored is if the rules are followed and penalties imposed - even on Duncan and Bowen (oh my God!).
As I conclude my letter to you let me offer another of your quotes: "If I had a team, I would make sure that my players never the leave the bench and so would you." Well, Mr. Stern, you have 30 teams and you are responsible for all of them - including the Spurs (imagine that).
Well if I had one those 30 NBA teams, I would be asking for your immediate resignation. Your actions or lack thereof clearly demonstate a lack of integrity and/or competence to handle the immense responsibility you have. Also, be careful what you say in public - it can be quoted back.
You are quick to place the blame on players, coaches, and even the owners. But the responsibility is yours. If you are so steadfast in your decision, why didn't you come to Phoenix? Can't handle a few "boo's?" Gee, even the Spurs can do that.
To defend your position with the fans is absolutely mandatory. But what you have done is discounted the fans. And that is not good for the NBA. Time to step down, Mr. Stern. What are you waiting for? This is your written invitation.