Verse of the Day

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gloom and Doom: My Concern

My major concern with the way things are going these days is that America has grown really soft. The line between right and wrong has become blurred. There is confusion as to what are needs and what are desires.

As a baby boomer, I heard about the hardships my parents endured as children growing up during the Great Depression and World War II. I feel that most of my generation was brought up to be prepared in case such hardships arise again. But somehow the message seems lost on Generation X - and Generation Y will never hear from them. I wonder if Generations X and Y could possibly survive if a major crisis were to hit this country. Would they even know what to do?

As I have read the Bible stories of how the people of Israel witnessed some of God's greatest miracles, I have often wondered how they could possibly have wandered and strayed from Him. But as I get older and wiser, I have gained a better understanding. I have seen firsthand in my lifetime how this country has declined, and therefore it is easier to understand how that happened in Israel on many occasions. I myself am guilty of allowing myself to be distracted by the things of the world.

I am grateful for my faith in Jesus Christ. Otherwise I feel too old, tired, and powerless to be an activist against the forces causing our nation's decline. I am resigned to being a witness to history rather than a participant. But I suppose writing about it as I am now is a good start.

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