Verse of the Day

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Blacksburg: Reflections On A Tragedy

Is it my imagination, or does it seem like the flag has been flying at half-mast a bit too much lately? Sure, it's to be expected now and then - like when former president Ford died. But not when it's a senseless tragedy like what happened at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia on Monday.

Of course there are always the questions as to why. But when it comes down to it, if I were alone in a room with Cho, I don't think I would ask why - his words would be meaningless. There is no justification whatsoever for this wasteful and hideous act of evil. Perhaps I would share the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ - at least give it a try. But it's too late now anyway. Satan has claimed another soul and Cho was probably honored that evening by "having dinner with Hitler" as I like to put it.

I would also call NBC on the carpet for even considering to air this insane man's manifesto. Again, it is pointless and provides no added value to our society whatsoever. The materials sent to NBC should have just been turned over to the FBI - period. Because of NBC's irresponsible handling of these materials, others may now be emboldened to follow Cho's footsteps and perhaps - God forbid - try to top him. Although all the news outlets are showing it, I think NBC should be singled out for boycott of all their programming and sponsors, at least until those who decided to air Cho's rantings are fired. After all, Don Imus fired for less (and I'm not trying to minimize the effect of his inappropriate comments or discount the response to those comments).

So who's all to blame? Do we blame the psychologists who did little or nothing to treat Cho's mental illness? Do we blame our medical system which no longer institutionalizes the criminally insane? Do we blame the lax gun control laws that allow people like this to purchase weapons? Or do we blame strict gun control laws that disallow security personnel to carry the very weapons that could have dropped this animal before he snuffed out 32 lives? Was Cho's upbringing not strict enough? Or too strict? Do we blame those who did not reach out to Cho? Or do we blame the disease that made him so unapproachable to those who tried to reach out?

As I watch this and other world events unfolding before me, I submit to you the root cause of the world's ills. This is not a God-fearing world. We live in a generation that goes about its business as if there is no God with whom to be accountable. As if there is no God to judge them. As if there is no God at all.

It is better to depend on the LORD than to trust mortals. - Psalms 118:8

If God is so good and loves us so much, how can He let this sort of thing happen? That's a valid question, for which I have a valid - if also simplistic - answer. We are all God's children, and God created each and every one of us with a free will. Instead of robots that obey His every beck and call, we are to make our own choice to love God. And it's that free choice that makes our love of God truly genuine.

Yet there are others that choose not to love God. They don't respect God's creation, and they don't respect God's children. They don't care who gets hurt. They just go on and live their lives as if God doesn't exist.

What we saw Monday was a clash of values. And 32 people innocent of the charges leveled by an insane animal were killed in the crossfire.

It is time to mourn again. I leave you with this link to the Virginia Tech homepage which has a fitting tribute to their fallen students and faculty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We think NBC should be singled out too. Please join us.

Concerned citizens formed

You can make a difference, please sign our online petition asking NBC News to stop and apologize for its reckless behavior.

Please forward this to anyone who may be interested. Original youtube clip.