Verse of the Day

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Futility Of It All

I confess that lately I've seemed self-consumed in my thoughts and concerns. It is if my very soul is being sapped. And I don't like it.

Jesus told us that we would be able to recognize the signs of the end times as easily as one could recognize the changes in the seasons. And let me tell you, folks - the seasons are a-changin'.

We watch and wonder as Barack Obama and John McCain try to convince us that they should be the next leader of the free world. The more they talk, the more they seem alike. Most Americans have already made up their mind, and no campaigning or debating will sway their opinion. Amongst those who already know how they will vote, the election is very close. The sales job, then, is directed at the minority who has yet to make up their mind. It is this minority that will tip the election toward one or the other; and amongst these voters, the election is also very close. As I watch these two candidates trade rhetoric with each other and outline their plans, I sometimes can't help asking myself, "Does it really matter?"

As I wrote during the primaries, I have found myself having to compromise my own values in choosing our next president. It is only 26 days until the election. Do I choose the one whose values are closer to my own? Or do I cast a vote in rebellion by voting someone other than the top two? Or do I further extend my rebellion and cast my vote for none of the above?

Considering all that has transpired - especially in the past 30 days or so - we as a nation may already be screwed, regardless of who takes the oath of office on January 20, 2009. Both candidates claim they will bring change. Unfortunately, I don't think real change will occur until January 20, 2013 - if this nation survives that long.

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