I was very pleased to see that the immigration reform bill that was being considered by Congress is dead - at least for now. For too many reasons to specify, it was a bad bill (and if it does get resurrected, I will go into detail at that time). I would even go as far as saying this bill was unconstitutional. One thing that is certain is that our Congress very nearly sold us out.
I have no problem with hard-working, law-abiding people who want to become U.S. citizens - in fact they make our country that much better, and they already contribute to the national economy. But this bill would have handed the keys of our country over to gang members, drug traffickers, terrorists, welfare leeches, and various other ne'er-do-wells.
Arizonans and the residents of other border states have made their voices clear on this crisis. We are fed up with the Federal government not enforcing the laws already on the books. It is the states now that have to take up the slack with tough legislation of their own.
Instead of taking junkets to Iraq and Afghanistan (and in Nancy Pelosi's case - Syria!), our congressmen need to come see what it's like right here. It's high time that Ted Kennedy get his fat ass down here.