Verse of the Day

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Should Hilary Quit?

At this point, the Democratic presidential nomination is certainly not decided - but try telling that to Hillary Clinton's detractors. Some are calling on her to quit the race. But why? Just because it's May already and she doesn't have enough delegates to secure the nomination? Well, neither does Obama.

I seem to recall that as of late last year, John McCain's run for the presidency was in serious trouble. His campaign was out of money and he was lagging far behind in the polls. But McCain did not quit. Look at him now. The GOP convention is a mere formality in which he will be named the Republican nominee for president.
If Obama can secure enough delegates to secure the nomination, then certainly Clinton should bow out. But that hasn't happened yet. It just may go down to the wire. And then there's those pesky super-delegates (courtesy of Richard "Vote-early-vote-often" Daly). Don't get me wrong - I'm no fan of Hilary. But tell me again why she should quit.

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