Verse of the Day

Monday, July 28, 2008

Midsummer Musings: Pirate Humor

Did you know that there is a table grace sung to the tune of Pirates of the Caribbean? Just another tune you can sing the Doxology to.

And this grace was the inspiration for some levity during music camp. I was getting a bit silly with one of the other cabin leaders with some pirate jokes, and it just escalated from there. Before you knew it, I was asking my pastor if T2 and I could lead the grace for dinner that evening.

We managed to get eye patches from the camp nurse (and colored them black); bandanas completed our outfits. And so the Mingus Mountain Pirate Standup Comedy Show was born:
"What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?" - "R(rrrrr)!" (okay, that's old, but a good warmup).

"What's a pirate's favorite subject in school?" - "Arrrrrrt!"

"What's a pirate's favorite Bible story?" - "Noah's Arrrrrrrk!"

"What's a pirate's favorite Gospel?" - "Marrrrrk!"

"What's a pirate's favorite movie?" - "Purty Woman." - "Purty Woman? Why?" - "Because it's rated R(rrrrrrr)!"

And who said pirates couldn't have good Christian fun?

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